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Classroom Info

We want these to be, quite simply, the easiest, best, and most enjoyable classes you've ever taken!

To this end, there are several things you should know about our courses and curriculum. Don't worry...there's nothing "crazy or weird" contained on this page. Just a few helpful hints and information so you can get the best experience possible in our class.

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Time to arrive-

If you are taking an "off-site" class in a community classroom, the doors open 15-30 minutes prior to the start of class. Feel free to come inside, check in, meet the instructor, have a seat, and relax. We want you to be comfortable in the classroom environment. Feel free to bring drinks and remember that   snacks are provided every class as well. If multiple classes are scheduled for that day, please be considerate of the class before you and wait until they are finished.

Materials needed-
In a word...nothing. 9/11 Training will have all the items you need including books, note-taking materials, pens/pencils, and so on. If you want to bring a notebook that's totally OK, however it certainly isn't required. The only thing we require you to bring is YOU!

Classroom Locations-

We live in your community. The classrooms we teach at are located in your community as well. Generally classes will be held at the NIC Workforce Training Center in Post Falls, Idaho, but occasionally they may be at community centers, schools, the Lion's club, or elsewhere. When you sign up on the calendar, the location will be shown in the heading. Further information on locations, maps, etc. can be found on the Locations page.

Time allotted for classes-

Different classes take different times. Most blocks of material are timed out at about 3 hours. Some may be shorter due to presentation or class differences. On some of the weekend days in the later Adulting classes, the material will required all day attendance (mock interviews, vehicle maintenance, etc.) however these will be posted well in advance so you can plan accordingly. Rest assured, though, we understand your time is valuable and will make every attempt to complete our courses as quickly as possible without sacrificing course content.

Dress/Reasonable Accommodation-

We want you to be comfortable, so wear what you want. Unless there are certain requirements for the class, comfort wins. As long as you can wear it in public, you can wear it to class. You do You. Also if you need any sort of reasonable accommodation to attend or make the class easier just let us know. Most of the time adjustments are easy to make.



Paying for your course is easy! We accept cash, checks, and all major CC's. You can either pay through the website or when you come to class. We do ask that payment be made prior to class beginning so that materials can be procured ahead of time. If your company is picking up the tab let us know and we will take it from there. If you have any questions, simply contact us and we will do our best to answer them.

What you need to know for the Adulting Classes
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